Rise brioche RIIIIISSE!!!!

C’mon little brioche loaves, do your thang and rise up nice a lovely so I can chuck you into the oven.  I should probably explain.  I don’t really bake a whole lot.  And I haven’t made bread in a coon’s age.  But this weekend I decided to make brioche, which has a reputation for being, well, fussy.  I had planned to start the dough yesterday and let it do the cold rise over night.  While I managed much lazing about yesterday, no dough was made.  I started the stuff around 11:30 or so this morning and just took it out of the fridge about 30 min. ago.  It’s supposed to rise on the counter for  2 1/2 to 3 hours.  Supposed to.  It’s still got a chill on it so it’s not doing much so far.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed.  It wasn’t difficult, it wasn’t even frightfully messy.  It has been time consuming though.  Also, I was kind of planning on having it for bread for the week.

I’m also making up a roasted carrot salad.  The carrots are roasting right now and I’ve blended up a tasty honey-chili dressing.  Beside the carrots I’m going to put in a wee bit of thinly sliced red onion, parsley, jicima,and  feta.  And possibly some red-leaf lettuce if it has held up well enough.  I’ll probably serve the salad with butter-parsley potatoes.  Fingerling potatoes peeled, boiled and tossed with salt & pepper, butter and parsley.  Though I did consider using bacon with the potatoes at one point I figured I go all veg tonight.

In case you were wondering, yes, it’s been a bit toasty in here.  Another reason I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the dough rises.

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One response to “Rise brioche RIIIIISSE!!!!

  1. Don’t leave us in suspense – how did the brioche turn out?

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